These cleaning products and books will help SO, SO much in your fight against OCD!

In my fight against OCD, these Shark products have been a blessing. They sanitize and clean with steam. They are well worth the price. Also a great cleaning tool is the Shark Navigator Vacuum. I recommend you follow the links below to purchase these AWESOME products. You'll be glad you did, when you can sit in your house KNOWING it is clean, and telling OCD to buzz off! :) I also have a whole listing of OCD books. The Imp of the Mind is one of the best. It is on page 4 of the list. I wanted to have it on page one but I couldn't get it to work. I have read most of these books, and they have given me so much strength in my fight!

Or if you'd rather buy the same cleaning products from Best Buy:

Take the element personality test

I think alot of people with OCD are Water elements. I am, and it fits me to a tee. Click the picture below to check this website out for more about Personality Elements and Face Reading. Alot of times Face Reading can help you discover alot about yourself, including the areas that OCD effects, and is helpful in getting rid of OCD.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

OCD feeling of "not right"

Have you ever had this problem? I have. Sometimes I'll go to put on a shirt or socks or what have you, and all of a sudden my OCD says, 'you can't use that one, it's pink,' or you can't put that sock on your left foot, it goes on the right foot!' And then nothing feels right, and you don't know what to do, because you know all of that is rediculous, but you have that little doubt in the back of your mind that wonders if OCD could ever be right, and something bad would happen. Well OCD can never be right. No one anywhere has ever harmed another person by the color clothes they put on, or by which foot a particular sock went on. I have never heard of anything like that before, have you? I think it would be worldwide known if something like this had ever happened, because it'd be pretty rare. All of us would have heard about it some way. OCD is a constant self doubting, nagging, self destroying disease. Really it is a chemical/hormonal imbalance in the brain. So of course it's not your fault you even have it; and if you learn it's tricks you can use them to put out the OCD fire in your head and finally stop "living with" it either, because you can outsmart it. You may always have that chemical/hormonal imbalance, but there in lies the hope for the next day. You can learn how to live with a physical imbalance. People do it everyday. Diabetes is a chemical imbalance, so is PMS. All of us girls have had encounters with PMS, and yes you may actually feel like hurting someone or something, but you don't. It passes. It's just a thought or a feeling, and it passes. Easy as that. When you can apply that same logic to OCD, you feel a sense of relief, right? You don't feel as doomed, or trapped, because you realize it won't last, It's just a thought. Take a deep breath now, and everytime today when your OCD voice tells you to do something over again or someone will get hurt, tell it 'no that's not true, if it were we'd all be dead.' Isn't that the truth? If someone putting on clothes or socks the 'wrong way', or in 'wrong' colors, actually could harm someone else away from you, we'd all be doomed! It just doesn't happen.
OCD may be a nagging voice in your head, but that doesn't mean it is an accurate voice. It could be the voice of the stupidest being in the universe. It never tells us anything that makes us feel good, and most of the things it comes up with are just rediculous, so why do we listen? Fear. Fear is only in our minds though. We don't have to fear things if we find out what they really are. OCD is a liar, and a deceiver. You are a good person. Even with OCD, you're the same person in your heart no matter what your head might say.
Next post is going to be about germs and all of the things I have freaked out over, and then found out were not harmful to humans at all. I will list them for everyone, so hopefully you can find some relief in learning the truth.

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