These cleaning products and books will help SO, SO much in your fight against OCD!

In my fight against OCD, these Shark products have been a blessing. They sanitize and clean with steam. They are well worth the price. Also a great cleaning tool is the Shark Navigator Vacuum. I recommend you follow the links below to purchase these AWESOME products. You'll be glad you did, when you can sit in your house KNOWING it is clean, and telling OCD to buzz off! :) I also have a whole listing of OCD books. The Imp of the Mind is one of the best. It is on page 4 of the list. I wanted to have it on page one but I couldn't get it to work. I have read most of these books, and they have given me so much strength in my fight!

Or if you'd rather buy the same cleaning products from Best Buy:

Take the element personality test

I think alot of people with OCD are Water elements. I am, and it fits me to a tee. Click the picture below to check this website out for more about Personality Elements and Face Reading. Alot of times Face Reading can help you discover alot about yourself, including the areas that OCD effects, and is helpful in getting rid of OCD.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Exposure to Germs

Ok, I was doing some research on germs. I found several articles that said kids that were exposed to germs are healthier than those who were kept in super sanitary environments. Not that you want to be dirty, but maybe some of us OCD and germ fearing people can relax a bit. Check out the articles below:
Germs and Food
The dirt on germs